Rainy season is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. This is how we all visualize the rainy seasons.
ABCD visits a few hilly areas where poor tribes would be sleeping in huts near the hills and in thatched houses and huts in small communities, we happy to identify needy aged most of the people who were staying near hills, in thatched houses and huts had more than one blankets and they were not in a state of suffering from cold.
Food distribution and nutrition activities aim to prevent excess mortality and malnutrition through food and nutritional support. Activities include general food distribution, supplementary feeding of vulnerable groups, therapeutic feeding programmes, school feeding, and integration of a supplementary ration into AIDS-related programmes.
ABCD Society is a non-profit voluntary organization subsisted in the year of September, 14th 2012 under Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001 (Act no 35 or, 2001) in Rajahmundry East Godavari Dist.
© 2017 ABCD is a Non Governmental Organization,. All rights reserved |
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